Dr Yadav Homeopathy For Acne
Acne skin changes are from plugged oil glands. Acne has several cause
Increased levels of hormones during puberty have a part. Heredity also plays an
important role.
Some skin bacteria can make it worse.
Whiteheads(pimples) are plugged oil glands that are closed.
Blackheads are plugged oil glands that are open. Reason: The oil turns black
when it is exposed to air.
Red bumps are from blocked oil glands that have leaked oil. This causes irritation
in the skin around them. Larger red bumps can be quite painful.
Acne mainly appears on your face, neck, and shoulders.
1)Avoid Picking or Squeezing Acne:
Many young people pick at their acne, Picking makes acne worse.
Try not to touch the face.
Squeezing blackheads causes bleeding into the skin. The bleeding turns into
brownish blotches on the skin. They can take 1 or 2 months to fade.
Squeezing red lumps can force bacteria into the skin. This too leaves blotches. It
can also cause a serious face infection.
2)Prevention - Avoid Triggers of Acne:
Avoid hair tonics or hair creams. When you sweat, they will get on the face and
irritate the acne.
Avoid putting any oily or greasy substances on your face. Reason: They block oil
glands and make acne worse.
- Take vitamin A
- Take vitamin D
- Improve liver health
- Avoid sugar
- Reduce stress
With treatment, new whiteheads and blackheads will decrease. It takes 6 to 8
Acne usually lasts until age 20 or 25.
So, you will need to continue the treatment for several months.
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